Imagine A New

We incubate

early-stage, cause-driven businesses by supporting young entrepreneurs with world-class training, tailor-made consultation support, co-working space, business support services, and access to investors, enabling them to navigate their way towards launching a minimum viable product and raising the needed seed capital.

We invest

in untested businesses that are solving social and environmental challenges in overlooked communities in Bangladesh and actively assist portfolio companies in navigating the path to notable venture investors, partners, and clients.

We advise

family foundations, impact funds, corporations, development agencies, and government agencies to use the powerful model of Social Business to take their innovation and social impact agenda forward. Our corporate services include incubator/accelerator design and management, innovation challenges, and venture building.



All humans are


H.E. Professor Muhammad Yunus

Chief Advisor, Interim Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh,
and 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate

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