Sasthya Seba: Revolutionizing Healthcare Access in Bangladesh

In an era where access to quality healthcare is often a privilege rather than a right, Sasthya Seba Limited, a Bangladeshi health tech company, is working tirelessly to change that narrative.

Sasthya Seba is one of the 12 innovative enterprises that successfully graduated from the second cohort of Orange Corners Bangladesh Incubation programme in June 2024. With their progress further recognized through Track I funding of €5,000 in September 2024, Sasthya Seba’s vision to make healthcare accessible to all is more achievable than ever.

Navigating life and traffic is a daily struggle in Dhaka, one of the slowest cities in the world. In medical emergencies, the situation becomes even more critical, with patients in ambulances facing significant delays that can jeopardize lives. 

Outside Dhaka, however, the story is a bit different. Many people, especially those living in rural areas, face substantial barriers to receiving timely medical care. Long waits, unreliable ambulance services, and the complexity of booking appointments with specialists often exacerbate an already dire situation. But what if quality healthcare could reach you within 30 minutes—or even right to your doorstep? 

In an era where access to quality healthcare is often a privilege rather than a right, Sasthya Seba Limited, a Bangladeshi health tech company, is working tirelessly to change that narrative. By leveraging technology, the enterprise is on a mission to bridge the gap between people and essential medical services.  

Sasthya Seba is one of the 12 innovative enterprises that successfully graduated from the second cohort of Orange Corners Bangladesh Incubation programme in June 2024. With their progress further recognized through Track I funding of €5,000 in September 2024, Sasthya Seba’s vision to make healthcare accessible to all is more achievable than ever. 

Tackling a National Issue with Technology 

The inspiration behind Sasthya Seba is deeply personal for Waziha Islam Taaseen, the Founder and Managing Director of the enterprise.  

After a family member's health crisis revealed the inefficiencies and inaccessibility of healthcare in Bangladesh, she realized that this wasn't just an isolated issue rather a nationwide problem. 

“The lack of accessible healthcare, long waiting times, and financial strain affected countless families,” Waziha says. 

Motivated by the desire to prevent other families from facing the same struggles, Sasthya Seba was born. 

The enterprise now is the largest provider of ambulance services in Bangladesh, with over 400 ambulances in their network, ensuring a response time of less than 30 minutes, according to its founder. 

Sasthya Seba addresses challenges facing the healthcare sector head-on with their comprehensive online platform, which offers a range of healthcare services including, telemedicine, doctor appointments under just 10 minutes, home health services and medi-commerce or medical instrument rentals. 

According to Waziha, the goal was to create a platform that could make healthcare affordable, accessible, and efficient for everyone, regardless of their location.

“Sasthya Seba is about using technology to bring healthcare to the fingertips of those who need it most, making it a social mission as much as a business,” she says. 

Overcoming Initial Barriers 

Like any startup, Sasthya Seba faced significant challenges in its early stages. Building a secure and scalable platform was a complex task, especially given the sensitivity of medical data. 


Finding the right talent in both healthcare and technology, educating the market about the benefits of digital health solutions, and building trust among potential users were some of the major hurdles, explains Waziha. 

Despite these challenges, Sasthya Seba persevered, largely through strategic partnerships with healthcare providers and a continuous focus on educating their target audience about the benefits of their services. 

Journey with Orange Corners Bangladesh 

By mid-2023, Sasthya Seba was making waves in the health tech space but struggled with raising investment. After being turned down by several investors, they realized they needed to refine their pitch and gain deeper insights into what investors were looking for. 

“This made us realize that we needed to better understand what investors look for in a pitch and a startup. We wanted to refine our approach to fundraising and gain insights on how to appeal to investors,” Waziha said. This led to Sasthya Seba team applying for the incubation programme by Orange Corners Bangladesh.  

The experience proved invaluable, according to Waziha. 

Through tailored one-on-one coaching and mentorship, Sasthya Seba gained a deeper understanding of business modeling, pitching, and financial management. They refined their growth strategy, learned to articulate their value proposition more effectively, and became more investment-ready. The training and connections made during the programme opened doors to new opportunities and partnerships, strengthening their business. 

Achievements and Growth Post-Incubation 

Since completing the OCB programme, Sasthya Seba has achieved significant milestones. They launched new mobile applications for their agents, improving service delivery and contributing to a notable increase in their customer base. The business has grown not only in terms of users but also in revenue and strategic partnerships with healthcare providers. 

According to Waziha, the program has helped them refine their investment strategy, making them more attractive to potential investors.

The funding received through Track I of the programme has allowed them to scale their operations and enhance their offerings, bringing them closer to their goal of making healthcare universally accessible. 

The Impact 

Waziha says their business is making a significant impact on society by addressing critical healthcare access issues and contributing to SDG Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being.  

“By simplifying the process of booking medical appointments, we’re reducing the barriers that patients face in accessing timely care.” 

Looking forward, Sasthya Seba has ambitious plans. Over the next five years, they aim to expand their geographical reach, enhance their app’s functionality, and forge strategic partnerships with more healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical companies.  

However, they acknowledge that they still require further investment, regulatory guidance, and talented individuals to join their team to achieve these goals.